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Psychic Readings
Psychic Readings

Palm Reading


A palm reading is going to give you an in-depth look into your personality traits and characteristics about yourself. Whether you choose to get one palm read, or both, you can look forward to discovering where you are meant to be, and learn more about yourself and the important steps you will take in your life.

Tarot Card Reading


Tarot Cards are a wonderful way to look into the present situation you are facing and determining what will happen next. Each card has a different and distinctive meaning, and each Tarot spread will determine where you are in life, the choices you will make, and where they will take you. 

Psychic Reading 


Looking into your past, present, and future, a psychic reading will tell you about the important details and changes going on in your life that will mold and determine your future. A psychic reading is based off of energy and spirituality, and will give you direct answers concerning all matters of life.

Chakra Balancing


The Seven Chakras are the centers of energy within the human body. The proper alignment of these energy centers ensure stability in all areas of our lives, including personal stability, mental, emotional, physical, logical, communicative and knowledgable are all related to well balanced chakras. If one chakra is not properly aligned, none of them are properly aligned. By balancing these chakras, you will see balance in your mental and emotional state, your decision making, and see circumstaces around you change for the better.

Aura Cleansing


Aura cleansing is the releasing of negtivity surrounding oneself, bringing in positivity and light to negative situations one is facing. Love, Career, Finances, Home Life and Family

can all be disrupted by negativity, and by working through meditated candles and crystal healing, I can remove blockages in your life and bring positive energy to any if not all areas of your life.

Past Life Regression


By looking into a past life, you can determine how and why situations are the way they are today in this life. By tuning into the past, you will have a better understanding about the present, and about the future. If you lived a positive, productive life in a previous lifetime  you are more likely to live a positive and productive life in this lifetime. The way we think and view life now is greatly influenced by the way we did in a past life. Dreaming about a past life? You can see visions of yourself from a past life. Feel like you're connected to someone so strongly, like you've known eachother all your lives, but only just met? Meeting souls you knew from the past can still have an effect on you right now.

Contact Us 
Phone 310-830-8440


333 W. Carson St

Carson, Ca. 90745


Mon – Thur  9AM - 9PM

Friday  9AM - 10PM

Saturday  9AM - 9PM

Sunday  9AM - 9PM

© 2015 by Psychic 

Visions By Julia

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